- Details
- Zugriffe: 40563
- 1987 Moor, M. Studien zum lesgischen Verb. Wiesbaden (Harrassowitz) 1986. Kratylos 1987:159-163.
- 1987 Djakonoff, D. / S.A. Starostin. Hurro-Urartian as an East Caucasian Language. München (Kitzinger) 1986. Kratylos 1987:154-159.
- 1988 Alekseev, A. Voprosy sravnitel'noj grammatiki lezginskich jazykov. Moskva (Nauka) 1984. Voprosy Jazykoznanija 1988,3.
- 1994 Nikolayev & Starostin. A North Caucasian Etymological Dictionary. Moskva 1994 (Asterisk). Diachronica 1997,1:149-161.
- 1999 Fähnrich, Heinz. Udisch-Deutsches Wörterverzeichnis. Jena 1999. Annual of Armenian Studies 20 (1999-2000):105-108.
- 1999 M. Sh. Xalilov. Bezhitinsko-russkij slovar'. Maxachkala (IIJaL) 1995. Anthropological Linguistics 41,4 (1999): 570-574.
- 2002 Harris, Alice. Endoclitics and the Origins of Udi Morphosyntax. Oxford: OUP. LINGUIST List 13.2994.
- 2003 Andersen, Gisle & Thorstein Fretheim (eds.). Pragmatic Markers and Propositional Attitude (P&b NS 79). Amsterdam & Philadelphia. Benjamins, 2000. Studies in Language 27,2:431-441.
- 2003 Dixon, R. M. W. 2002. Australian Languages: Their Nature and Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Cambridge Language Surveys). LINGUIST LIST 14.1231.
- 2003 Casad, Eugene H. & Gary B. Palmer (eds.) 2003. Cognitive Linguistics and Non-Indo-European languages. Berlin: de Gruyter. LINGUIST List 14.3285.
- 2003 Marmaridou, Sophia S.A. Pragmatic Meaning and Cognition (P&b NS 72). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: Benjamins, 2000. Studies in Language 27:3 (2003):691-705.
- 2003/4 Book notice: Davidse J. & B. Lamiroy (eds.) The Nominative & Accusative and their counterparts. Amsterdam & Philadelphia 2002. Language 2004, 80,1.
- 2004 Cysouw, Michael 2003. The Paradigmatic Structure of Person Marking. Oxford: OUP. LINGUIST LIST 15.284.
- 2004 Dixon, R. M. W. 2002. Australian Languages: Their Nature and Development. Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Language Surveys). Linguistische Berichte.198:233-244.
- 2004 Mattissen, Johanna 2003. Dependent-Head Synthesis in Nivkh. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins. LINGUIST List 15.1249.
- 2004 D.N.S. Bhat. Pronouns. (Oxford Studies in Typology and Linguistic Theory). Oxford: OUP 2004. LINGUIST List. 15.2197.
- 2005 Colarusso, John 2002. Nart Sagas from the Caucasus. New Jersey: Princeton UP. Journal of Anthropological Linguistics. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology Volume: 15, Number: 2, 296-297.
- 2005 O'Herin, Brian 2002. Case and Agreement in Abaza. (Publications in Linguistics #138). SIL International. LINGUIST List 15.3334.
- 2005 Kuno, Susumu; Takami, Ken-Ichi 2004. Functional Constraints in Grammar. On the unergative-unaccusative distinction. (Constructional Approaches to Language 1). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. LINGUIST List 16.600.
- 2005 Vajda, Edward J. 2004. Languages and Prehistory of Central Siberia, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins. In: Geolinguistics 2005, 31:123-130.
- 2006 Book notice: A Grammar of Kolyma Yukaghir. By Elena Maslova. (Mouton Grammar Library 27). Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2003. Language 2005.
- 2006 Eberle, Andrea & Regine Schulz 2004. Koptisch: Ein Leitfaden durch das Saidische. Munich: Lincom LINGUIST List 16.3391.
- 2006 Book notice: Mirror Neurons and the Evolution of Brain and Language. Ed. by Maxim I. Stamenov and Vittorio Gallese. (Advances in Consciousness Research 42). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins 2002. Language 2005.
- 2006 Fried Mirjam, Hans C. Boas (eds.) Grammatical Constructions. Back to the roots (Constructional Approaches to Language 4) Amstderdam/Philadelphia 2005: John Benjamins. In: LINGUIST LIST 18.323.
- 2007 Book notice: The Tujia Language, by Cecilie Brassett, Philip Brassett, Meiyan Lu Munich: Lincom 2006 (Languages of the World / Materials 455). eLanguage.
- 2007 Book notice: Clause structure typology: Grammatical relations in cross-linguistic perspective, by Javier Rivas Lugo Tris Tram, S.I. 2004 (Linguas e Lingüistica 5). eLanguage.
- 2007 Book notice: Sabine Krämer 2005. Synchrone Analyse als Fenster zur Diachronie: Die Grammatikalisierung von werden + Infinitiv. Muenchen: LINCOM GmbH 2005 (LINCOM Studies in Germanic Linguistics 23). eLanguage.
- 2007 Book notice: Cedric Boeckx (ed.) 2006. Agreement Systems. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company (Linguistik Aktuell / Linguistics Today 92).eLanguage.
- 2007 Book notice: Benjamin Lyngfelt & Torgrim Solstad (eds.) 2006. Demoting the Agent. Passive, middle and other voice phenomena. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company (Linguistik Aktuell / Linguistics Today 96) eLanguage.
- 2007 Book notice: Lorie Heggie and Francisco Ordóñez (eds.) 2005. Clitic and Affix Combinations. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. (Linguistik Aktuell / Linguistics Today 74). eLanguage.
- 2007 Book notice: Gabriele H. Cablitz 2006. Marquesan. A Grammar of Space. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2006. (Trends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs 169). eLanguage.
- 2007 Book notice:Yamuna Kachru 2006. Hindi. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company (London Oriental and African Language Library 12). eLanguage.
- 2008 Shorena Kurtsikidze 2006. Essentials of Georgian Grammar. Munich: Lincom. In: eLanguage.
- 2008 U.V. Joseph 2007. Rabha. Leiden/Boston; Brill. In: eLanguage.
- 2008 Daniel Harbour 2007. Morphosemantic number. From Kiowa Noun Classes to UG Number features. Dordrecht: Springer. In: eLanguage.
- 2008 Levinson, Stephen C. and David P. Wilkins (eds.) 2006. Grammars of Space. Explorations in Cognitive Diversity . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ICLA Book Reviews.
- 2008 Nowak, Elke (2008). Inuktitut. Munich: Lincom. In: LINGUISTLIST 19.3452 .
- 2009 Andrea C. Schalley, Drew Khlentzos (eds) 2007. Mental States. Volume 1: Evolution, function, nature; Volume 2: Language and cognitive structure. (Studies in Language Companion Series 92/93). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company 2007. In: eLanguage.
- 2009 A Hausa-English Dictionary. By Paul Newman. New Haven & London: Yale University Press 2007. In: eLanguage.
- 2009 Hilpert, Martin 2008. Germanic Future Constructions. Amsterdam: Benjamins. ICLA Book Reviews.
- 2009 Aranovich, Raul (ed.) 2006. Split Auxiliary Systems. Amsterdam: Benjamins. ICLA Book Reviews.
- 2009 Woods, Christopher 2008. The Grammar of Perspective. The Sumerian Conjugation Prefixes as a System of Voice. Leiden: Brill. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie.
- 2009 Woodard, A. 2008. The Ancient languages of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Aksum. Cambridge. CUP. In: eLanguage.
- 2009 Woodard, A. 2008. The ancient languages of Asia Minor. Cambrdige: CUP. In: eLanguage.
- 2009 Barclay, P. 2008. A Grammar of Western Dani. Munich:Lincom. In: eLanguage.
- 2010 Yu, Alan C.L. 2007. A Natural History of Infixation. In : Studies in Language 34,2:471-481.
- 2012 Dum-Tragut, Jasmine 2009. Armenian. Amsterdam/Philadephia: Benjamins In : Studies in Language 35,4:931-940.